Below are some of the important Maven commands we need to know in software development.
Compile source code
mvn compile
Clean old build files
mvn clean
Deploy the JAR/WAR files in local
mvn install
Deploy the JAR/WAR files in remote
mvn deploy
Run the tests
mvn test
Check the maven dependency tree
mvn dependency:tree
Create a JAR/WAR package
mvn package
Skip the tests and clean install
mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
Run spring boot app
mvn spring-boot:run
Setup project for Intellij IDEA
mvn idea:idea
Test with multiple params
mvn test -DskipTests=true -DsuiteXmlFile=<xml-file-path> -DapplicationHostname=<host-name> -DapplicationProtocol=<protocol-name> -DapplicationPort=<port-number>